Sunday, September 20, 2015

Donald Trump is Mean Girls

If any of you watched the 2nd GOP debate of the 2016 election cycle, you've seen Donald Trump's sassiness rear its ugly head. Whether it's calling Rand Paul ugly on nationally-syndicated television or by covering up a sophomoric statement made towards Carly Fiorina by flattering her, the man that is Trump surely lived up to his name.

"Can't Stump the Trump!" they all seem to say...

I can't help but be reminded of the stereotypical sassy teenage girl whose superficiality and general mean-ness supersedes their ability to be respected in any sense. With this comparison in mind, I juxtaposed Don's profile onto a very famous picture...

Donald J. Trump is the new Mean Girl. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Donald Trump Calls Rand Paul Ugly

"I never attacked him on his look[s], and believe me, there's plenty of subject matter right there. That I can tell you" - the Man, the Myth, the Legend, the Trump

In a supreme example of juxtaposition, we have the level-headed Rand Paul making completely valid points about Trump's obnoxious behavior, with a response that just confirms what Paul was saying.

How can our president call people ugly with a straight face on national television?

How can someone with hair like that take the oath of office?

Just as a final reminder, compare and contrast these pictures:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Who is Ben Carson?

Man, I just love comparing politicians to things that are completely unrelated to politics!

Let's be honest, Ben Carson is a nobody. On state at the GOP debates, you can barely hear him. All he does his talk about the fact that he has separated conjoined twins (that somehow makes him qualified to be the leader of the free world). It's a wonder that he is high up in the polls! What could he possibly have to offer?

Like Kenny, Ben Carson is shy and quiet. He is not intimidating and loud enough to be a voicebox for the Republican Party. Kenny can barely be heard underneath his thick hoodie, like how Carson can barely be heard underneath the crushing opposition that is Donald J. Trump.

Like Kenny, expect Ben Carson to die in this election cycle.

Can't Stump the Trump!

Upon watching the second GOP debate of the 2016 election season, I happened upon an amazing comparison that I wish to share with all of you.

Compare and contrast the two side-by-side images above.

Donald Trump is the modern version of Albert Einstein.

It sounds silly, but hear me out. For starters, look at his hair. What is going on in this picture? Why does it look like he developed some strange growth upon his scalp? Does it not remind you of a certain physicist?

Also, look at their facial expressions. They're silly, but hide such a rich layer of genius that cannot be ignored.

Einstein's mathematical and scientific genius brought about a new era of physics. Compare that to Trump's bravado and sophomoric behavior, and you can tell that he will definitely change things around here.

Both have/will bring amazing change to the world. Albert Einstein was a leading scientist of the Manhattan Project, the initiative tied to the development of the atomic bomb. The invention of such a device has caused millions of deaths and may lead to the downfall of the human race. Comparatively, when Donald Trump is elected president (let's be honest, it's going to happen), he may have a direct involvement with the collapse of the economy, federal government, alliances, and the human spirit. So, let's rejoice! Our new president is literally Einstein!

Thursday, September 17, 2015


One of my favorite things to do is comparing politicians to animals. Especially if you take a picture of animal, and superimpose it or place it next to the picture of the politician. Here's an example: look at Jeb Bush. Look at James Slug. Note the similarities. They are basically indistinguishable. Yes, one’s a slimy mollusk and the other is a slug, but Jeb Bush’s record as governor of Florida is definitely slimy.

Socially, Governor Bush was involved heavily with the Terry Schiavo case (a case in which the right of a woman in a vegetative state to die was challenged). It should have been clear that if Mrs. Schiavo’s brain was irreversibly damaged, then allowing her to continue to live under these conditions would be certainly immoral. Bush, along with his brother, the president, pushed against the removal of her feeding tube. Governor Bush also pushed for the removal of government funding for stem cell research, which is valuable scientific research that can lead to cures and treatments for many common ailments and diseases. 

Jeb Bush not only favored the death penalty, but he made it easier to executions to occur. He slashed taxes in a move that favored the wealthy alone. He increased minimum sentences for juvenile offenders and fought to prevent the decriminalization of marijuana.

With this side-by-side comparison in mind, let's evaluate the values of Jeb Bush. 

Maybe we should think twice before considering a slug for president.